Friday 11 May 2012

HP feed heater

HP feed heater
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HP feed heater as fitted to cascade feed heater system instead of economiser

schematic of a hp feed hetater
    • The high pressure tubes are made of copper nickel or steel.
    • The casing is made of mild steel
For efficiency it is important that the bottom of the heater does not become flooded.
As a large difference in pressure can be accommodated between the feed and steam , this type of heater can be fitted on the discharge side of the main feed pumps; in a cascade feed heating system this replaces the economiser and the heat in the flue gas is recovered by a regenerative air heater ( Lungstrom ). This system allows the feed to be heated to a high temperature
The change in temperature is normally about 30oC

    The heater, when new, must be able to withstand either or both of the following;
    • 2 x boiler press + 20%
    • 125 % feed press continuously

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